Hello! Welcome to my Substack page. I’m Nezzy, but I also go by Celeste. I’m non-binary and I go by they/them.

Art by Ghostli_feng

I have a lot of interests, ideas, and opinions. This is my spot to share them without worrying about who’s listening, and a change to make things that are uniquely me.

The nature of Substack is a newsletter so there will be a few spots asking you to subscribe. Subscribing puts my posts in your email so it’s easier to see when I upload. You can also find them by bookmarking the site or following me on substack. I’m not super keen on the feature but we’ll see how it goes. Feel free to subscribe if you like what I write.

You can also find me elsewhere on the internet here:

Thanks for stopping by!


Here’s a list of the stuff I’ve been up to recently (inspired by..)

Last Updated: 2024-07-08

  • Building this substack page and writing a few articles

  • Playing FFXIV Dawntrail

About AI

As of today, July 8th, 2024, here’s how I’ve used generative LLMs:

I’ve used Claude and ChatGPT for research and brainstorming ideas, but have not and will never use AI to generate text for one of my articles. The goal of this blog is to be my own voice and that’s what y’all are going to get.

If this changes, this part of the page will also change.

(This section was inspired by Derek Siver’s page on their AI usage)

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Exploring ideas and topics that I find interesting


Polyglot furry